Ascenti Physiotherapy

Cotham Chiropractic Clinic is proud to host Ascenti Physiotherapists at our facilities, however if you wish to book or amend an appointment with Ascenti please DO NOT call the clinic but please contact Ascenti directly on 0330 678 0850

Or make a booking through their website

Please also note that any reviews you wish to make of the treatment received through Ascenti Physiotherapy should be made on the Ascenti website.

Healthcare Tips

Snacking Sense.

If you find that you cannot get through the day without resorting to consuming a chocolate bar or two, or half a packet of biscuits, then you may need to rethink your strategy. There are many reasons why people may snack- hunger, boredom and habit are three biggies. A big factor in what you'll eat is convenience- make more healthy foods easily available. Try nuts and seeds instead of sweets- they'll fill you more effectively without the sugar high and inevitable drop. If you have to snack, be sure to do it sensibly!

Posted: 31/07/2023
By: Ben

Opening Times

8.00AM - 8.00PM
8.00AM - 8.00PM
8.00AM - 8.00PM
8.00AM - 8.00PM
8.00AM - 8.00PM
9.00AM - 1.00PM


First consultation and
examination only £25.00

Normally £50.00